A 70-year old security guard had incurred too much debt throughout the years. Despite having decades-worth of medical bills to eventually pay, but did not have an immediate need to file for bankruptcy. However, his income was ultimately too low to pay off his debt.
After reaching out to our Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys, Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys worked out a two-year plan with this client. Rather than being forced to pay his debt immediately, the security guard only needed to pay a very minimal amount to keep his debt collectors at bay.
Unfortunately, the man’s health took a turn for the worst near the end of his two-year plan period. By the time he needed to file for bankruptcy, he was unable to gather the necessary paperwork and complete the online credit counseling requirement he needed to do prior to filing.
One of his family members finally stepped forward with his necessary paperwork. After patiently and sorting through years of bank statements, pay-stubs and tax returns to find all the appropriate items to file, Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys successfully helped file for bankruptcy on this client’s behalf.
Additional time was invested to ensure the client was receiving the best representation available. Filing preventing this client’s paycheck from being garnished and debt collects ceased to harass him. This client and his family were very relieved and grateful for Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys’s help.
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