A man from Parma, working as a Grinder for a Machine Company recently had a child and began living with his girlfriend; however, prior to starting a family, he was living in an expensive apartment meant for a bachelor and was driving an impractical vehicle. His limited income could not support the added expense of a child and he began falling behind in other areas, so he contacted Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys, hoping to improve his circumstances.
Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys listened to the new father’s anxieties and handled his client’s financial situation with a high degree of skill and professionalism. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys used the firm’s contacts and relationships with area businesses such as lenders, insurers, and landlords that specialize in bankruptcy to allow the client to break his home and auto lease agreements without penalties and secure more affordable options for an apartment and car. With these alternatives in place, his financial situation became more stable and he could now provide for his family more effectively. A lot of firms can handle bankruptcy filing, but that’s where it ends, but at Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys our client received exemplary customer service that gave some much needed financial relief.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.