It’s tragic that in today’s day and age, someone’s illness can create lasting and devastating financial difficulties. Not long ago, a Cleveland woman, working as a waitress had some medical issues that prevented her from working for a 6-month period. With no income coming in, this resulted in staggering medical debt, being evicted from her apartment, her car being repossessed, and massive credit card debt. Additionally, her troubles were compounded when her former landlord and car lender filed lawsuits against her for the balances they were owed. These lawsuits would have likely resulted in wage garnishment and in desperation, she contacted the trusted Ohio bankruptcy lawyers with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys for assistance.
It was clear to the Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys attorneys that the woman’s limited resources could not support her situation or a wage garnishment; therefore, he facilitated a chapter 7 bankruptcy. This efficiently erased her various debts so she could have a fresh start after her illness. Furthermore, our attorneys exceeded expectations and used an expansive network of financial contacts to find a local car lender, who specialized in post-bankruptcy auto loans, so this client could secure another car at a reasonable interest rate. After her chapter 7 bankruptcy was completed, this woman was pleased to finally move on with her life without being saddled with overwhelming debt that may not have been possible with less capable legal counsel.
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