If you want to keep some of your debts, a repayment plan via a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the right move if you’re struggling. Alternatively, Chapter 7 could let you discharge everything to move on faster. But no matter what type of bankruptcy you go with, there are several missteps a debtor can make along the way. Some bigger mistakes have severe implications or may disqualify you from bankruptcy Read More
Whether you’re deep in debt or struggling to stay up with bills, there’s a solution to your financial situation. The Cleveland Bankruptcy attorneys have the knowledge and experience to fight for your best interest. Contact a Cleveland Bankruptcy attorney today to discuss your options at (216) 586-6600.
What Can I Keep if I File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7, the most common bankruptcy filed by people in the U.S., is essentially a debt cancellation. If you do not have enough income to pay your creditors, you can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to have the debts discharged, giving you a fresh start financially. Can I Keep My Belongings If I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? A big hesitation for individuals considering Chapter 7 revolves around the requirement to Read More
How Couples Go Through Bankruptcy
Many people view the debts you incur in marriage as joint debt. After all, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. While we usually think of marital debt as shared, couples today marry later in life and live together without marrying for longer — waiting nearly five years on average to get married, according to Business Insider. Since couples aren’t sharing finances until later in life, it is Read More
How To Qualify for a Mortgage After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
You have made it through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Congratulations! You discharged your debt and have as clean a slate as you can get. Now, you want to move on with your new financial life – perhaps even buy a home. But how do you qualify for a mortgage loan after Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Despite what many people assume, your dream of becoming a homeowner does not have to die when Read More
Is Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Right for You?
Deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy is a struggle for many. The idea of getting all your debts eliminated is appealing, but, bankruptcy makes people nervous. Chapter 7 bankruptcy in particular can be intimidating because many people believe it will ruin your credit forever. And while any bankruptcy affects your credit, you may find Chapter 7 gives you a new beginning, rather than an ending. Below are some Read More
Will Bankruptcy Protect Me from a Lawsuit?
No one likes the idea of having to file bankruptcy. But sometimes debts become insurmountable and creditors relentless. The only viable choice may be to seek bankruptcy protection. Not only can you get a financial fresh start, but there can be a positive effect of bankruptcy on lawsuits, including those filed by your creditors or debt collectors. Depending on your circumstances, bankruptcy can eliminate your debts through liquidation of most Read More
Bankruptcy for Married Couples
When there is consistently more month than money and your financial situation continues to deteriorate due to job loss, medical bills, or consumer debt, it may be time to consider your legal alternatives. Among the options available is bankruptcy for married couples. Besides determining if you qualify for filing Chapter 7, where your debts are discharged, or qualify for filing Chapter 13, in which you have a repayment plan, you Read More
Bankruptcy Options for the Self Employed
Facing the prospect of filing bankruptcy can be daunting. At a time when you’re under serious financial stress, you have to figure out if seeking legal protection from your creditors is the right move and what are the long term effects of doing so. Your decision may be further complicated if you are self-employed as an independent contractor or are a sole proprietor of a small business. Filing bankruptcy shouldn’t Read More
Is it Possible to Stop Asset Repossession During a Bankruptcy Filing?
One of the main reasons people consider bankruptcy is to see if they can avoid losing their home, their car, or some other valuable asset. Bankruptcy can save your assets from repossession, but you need to understand how to protect them and the various implications. The Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys atCleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you understand your options and navigate the bankruptcy process. We can halt the repossession and foreclosure Read More
Court Order Secured in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case
The Cleveland chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently obtained a court order from the Toledo Bankruptcy Court to stop a marketing company from sending out fake court orders to consumers filing for bankruptcy. The fake orders were designed to make people who had filed for bankruptcy believe they had court permission to take out car loans for financing from an Ohio car dealership, when in fact the Read More