The Cleveland bankruptcy lawyers of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently assisted some clients who had begun to face some difficulties and financial issues. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys helped them obtain a release of the mortgage and note within their bankruptcy case, meaning that they no longer owe money against their home. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, Read More
Whether you’re deep in debt or struggling to stay up with bills, there’s a solution to your financial situation. The Cleveland Bankruptcy attorneys have the knowledge and experience to fight for your best interest. Contact a Cleveland Bankruptcy attorney today to discuss your options at (216) 586-6600.
Second Mortgage Wiped Out in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Recently, the Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys assisted a client who was facing financial issues related to their Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, and the mortgages on their home. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys successfully compromised the first mortgage, and wiped out a second mortgage for the client. As a result, they saved approximately $10,000.00 between principal and interest. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based Read More
Low Debt Repayment Amount Negotiated for Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys Client
The Ohio debt relief attorneys of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently helped a client negotiate a $3,500.00 debt for less than 30 cents on the dollar. The client’s original judgment amount was $11,800, but with the swift assistance of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys, the final amount to be paid was much lower. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, Read More
Repayment Plan Put in Place in Case Involving Multiple Loans
Recently, a client of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys found himself in need of help when loans his mother co-signed for (and took out in his name) were catching up to him and his family. Initially, the client’s mother co-signed on a student loan that would help pay for his education. Additionally, she took out a loan in her own name to help with any additional expenses for the client. Worried that Read More
Client Facing Creditor Harassment Obtains a Financial Settlement
A client of the Cleveland bankruptcy lawyers of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently found themselves in a challenging financial situation that resulted in them filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Because of the nature of a Chapter 7 filing, the client and their family had to move out of their home, as they could no longer afford it. In the midst of this situation, the mortgage servicing company on their home Read More
Financial Settlement Obtained After Harassment in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case
Recently, the Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys helped a client who was facing creditor harassment in the midst of her Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. Knowing she had to notify this creditor as she had a debt with them, the client worked with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys to ensure that proper notification of her bankruptcy filing was provided to the proper parties. Despite receiving notice of the filing, the bank continued to harass the Read More
Sandusky Woman Keeps Rental Property & Assets with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy lawyers at Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently aided a woman from Sandusky, who was originally interested in pursuing a chapter 7 bankruptcy to erase her excessive medical and credit card debts. The woman was primarily living off a pension and social security; however, she did own other properties and received some rental income that she wanted to retain. Since our lawyers try to get to know our clients and Read More
Retired Woman Avoids Eviction & Sees Financial Relief through Chapt 7 Bankruptcy
A retired woman with a disabled son came to our offices after a car accident led to the loss of her license and a very precarious financial situation. After the accident, the woman who lived on a very fixed income had the added expenses of needing a new car and extensive medical bills. This led to falling behind on her rent and put her in danger of being evicted. Our Read More
Refund Obtained after Student Loan Consolidation Company Fails to Reduce Balance
The attorneys at Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys have seen a growing trend of debt consolidation advertisements claiming to know about programs that forgive student loan debt for people having difficulty paying student loans. Not long ago, a client from Cuyahoga County reached out to our Cleveland student loan attorneys after nothing was done to lower their balance despite being paid for their services. We reviewed this private company’s actions and ultimately Read More
Canton Man Keeps Assets Through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
A man in Canton, Ohio recently contacted our skilled bankruptcy lawyers to discuss his level of credit card debt and monthly expenses after a divorce left him paying his normal level of expenses on a single income. After working hard over the years, his main concerns were related to keeping his union pension, annuity, and other personal assets including a paid off vehicle and a cherished gun collection. This notion Read More