In Akron, Ohio a 30-year-old man, who lives with his fiancé, their newborn child, and her additional children found himself in a very relatable situation when he had difficulty making ends meet. The man’s troubles included two automobile payments, over $50,000 in credit card debt, a $6,000 past due gas bill causing it to be shut off, and the fact that he had previously overdrawn his checking account. By overdrawing this account, he was placed on a Check System list that prevented him from opening a new account; therefore, he needed to use an expensive check cashing service every payday where 25% went towards fees before any other bills were paid. In an effort to correct these issues and get his finances back on track, he reached out to the skilled Ohio bankruptcy attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys for a consultation.
Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys used our considerable experience in these areas and set to work for this client by pursuing a chapter 7 bankruptcy. This action immediately allowed him to have his gas turned back on, which was obviously a necessity for his family. Next, the man’s credit card debt was cleared and we began working towards fixing his checking account issues. While bankruptcy offers federal protection to individuals in financial distress, it does not automatically remove certain limitations. Consequently, we took the initiative and contacted the administrators of Check System to advise them of his client’s new status, which allowed him to open a new checking account. The man’s bankruptcy process was going smoothly, until the trustee and some creditors questioned the client’s need for two automobiles. As a result, we argued that while one car was primarily used by his client, the other was necessary for his fiancé to adequately care for the household, which he was singularly supporting. Ultimately, this argument satisfied all the parties and the man was able to keep both cars through his bankruptcy, so he could focus on caring for his family and keeping up with his drastically reduced monthly expenses.
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