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$500,000 In Student Loan Debt Reduced To $120,000 For Cleveland Woman

A 26-year-old woman in the Cleveland area was struggling to repay the $500,000 in student loan debt she had accumulated with the $19,000 she was making annually as an artist. Looking for help, the woman turned to a law firm in the area but was told there was nothing she could do except continue to make payments. Unable to manage the large monthly payments that had begun to consume her life and hopeful in finding a solution, the woman turned the to skilled Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys at Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys.

Experienced attorney Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys knew there was a solution that would be most suitable for her needs. Our client had substantial medical bills and because of personal situations and the professional field she was in, Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys knew she was facing undue hardship. Alden filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy for his client and also a lawsuit against her student loan lenders. As a result, our client’s student loan obligations were reduced to significantly, leaving her with $120,000 to repay. Under Alden’s assistance, she was placed on a payment plan she could afford.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors. The results and client testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by all clients or their satisfaction with the firm’s services.

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