If you’ve previously discharged your debt in a properly executed bankruptcy and are still being contacted by creditors, it is essential that you reach out to qualified bankruptcy lawyers, who can help set things right and stop collection calls after bankruptcy. For example, in 2008 a couple got a little over their heads in debt and appropriately filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. This essentially eliminated their debt, including their mortgage; however, in an effort to remain in the house, the couple continued to pay the mortgage payment, even though they were not legally bound to do so. In the end, they decided to leave the home, but after some time, a third-party mortgage servicing company began calling and harassed the couple about their mortgage obligation. Obviously worried about the legitimacy of these collection efforts, the two wisely spoke with the experienced Cleveland-area bankruptcy attorneys at Luftman Heck & Associates.
Attorney Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys saw through the company’s attempts to collect a debt the couple no longer owed and took their case. He used his extensive background in bankruptcy law to file suit against this mortgage servicer under the Fair Debt and Collection Practices Act for violating the terms of a federally protected bankruptcy. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys successfully negotiated on behalf of his clients and the case settled for $12,000. The couple could now rest assured that they could continue living their lives without being needlessly hounded by creditors.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors. The results and client testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by all clients or their satisfaction with the firm’s services.