Our attorneys were recently contacted by a married couple in their 50’s employed as University professors. Due to how the University deducts federal income tax, a previous loan for $20,000 and a second mortgage on their home, our clients became indebted to the IRS for over $200,000 in tax liens and interest to their properties. Overwhelmed and incapable of paying back such a large amount of debt our clients sought relief through Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys. Although the husband continued to teach at the University the wife was retired limiting our clients budget to a fixed income.
Our attorneys successfully negotiated a settlement with the IRS having 70% of their debt completely forgiven requiring them to only pay back 30%, or $60,000. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys successfully negotiated payment terms that allowed our clients to make affordable monthly payments over a 3-5 year period of time with a very low interest rate. After the completion of this settlement agreement with the IRS our clients were relieved the majority of their debt was forgiven and they were able to make manageable monthly payments. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys work diligently to ensure our clients have their needs heard when negotiating debt resolution with large organizations that can seem too big to bend.
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