If you’ve been considering filing bankruptcy, or have had a petition in the works that isn’t yet filed, you should be aware that there’s a new bankruptcy fee schedule that started this week.
The Federal Judicial Conference approved a new bankruptcy fee schedule effective June 1.
Bankruptcy Fee Schedule
- Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, or motion to divide a joint case — $335
- Chapter 12 bankruptcy petition, or motion to divide a joint case — $275
- Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition, or motion to divide a joint case — $310
- Chapter 9, 11, or 15 bankruptcy petition — $1,717
The fee to file a motion to divide a joint case under Chapter 11 is $1,717.
The fee to file an adversary complaint is $350.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt and want to discuss whether bankruptcy might be an option for you, call Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys at (216) 586-6600 today for a free consultation.