The attorneys at Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys were recently contacted by a 38-year-old man from Cuyahoga County who owed over $40,000 in Ohio and IRS taxes. The lead specialist was in a state of panic as a property lien was about to be placed on his home, as well as a levy on both his bank account and wages.
Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys knew it was in this client’s best interest to file bankruptcy. With our experience and extensive knowledge in bankruptcy cases, Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys strategically waited until the perfect time to file, yielding the best possible results for this client. Had we filed at the time when his client came in, he would have owed a much more outstanding amount.
Our plan ended up being the best move for his client, who saw a substantial drop in the amount he owed. The man paid only $500 to a regional income tax agency compared to the $40,000 in taxes he originally owed.
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