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After A Failed Engagement, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Stops Wage Garnishment

After a Cleveland man’s engagement ended, the relationship left him with serious financial problems, such as wage garnishment that required the services of Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys. During their time together, the man bought his fiancé a car and some expensive jewelry, including a lavish engagement ring. The relationship eventually ended and the woman reportedly moved out of state, taking the vehicle and the jewelry with her. In due course, the auto dealer and the jewelry store filed claims against the man for lack of payment and began garnishing his wages. The man wanted to move past this failed engagement, both emotionally and financially; therefore, he contacted the attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys to review his available options.

Since the former fiancé was unresponsive to contact attempts and requests to return the items, Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys assisted this client with filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This effectively removed his liability for the car and jewelry, as well as stopped the wage garnishment because they were no longer in his possession so they couldn’t be considered secured debts. In an act of good faith, we forwarded the woman’s contact information to the auto dealer and the jewelry store, who will continue their own collection efforts. After working with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys, this client was able to remove the last vestige of the relationship and move forward with his life.

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